How To Make School Amusing

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."
- Anthony J. D'Angelo

Many students are, if not afraid, lazy to go to school. I admit, I felt the same way when I was still a student myself. The homeworks. the strict teachers and the bully classmates are some of the reasons they don't want to go to school.

But education is important to students and parents. It is the ultimate gift that we can gain in our lifetime. It's the only treasure that nobody can take away.

So how do we make going to school interesting? There's really no scientific method on how to do it but here are some of the things I learned and will be shared here..

I learned these tips the hard and long way, but anyway here goes:
  • Have a favorite subject or subjects. I always liked Mathematics and Science not because we have beautiful teachers but I really liked the topics being discussed. It paved the way on what I really like to do in the future.
  • Gain friends. I was the shy type way back. I don't get along with people that I don't know. It was too late that I realized that I need friends (not just classmates) that I will share good memories with while learning.
  • Join an organization. Its fun to have people you share common interests with. Whether its sports, comics or any other interests, you learn something new and at the same time you enjoy the company of these people.
  • Befriend teachers. They are not an enemy to be afraid of. Teachers and professors are there to help and teach us anything.
  • Join a school event. Its not the participation that matters. Its the fulfillment and joy that a school fair, United Nations Day or any other celebration would bring. It develops camaraderie and creativity.
  • Find an inspiration. Whether its just a simple crush or a serious one, it helps us to be inspired. We do things extraordinarily that we can only imagine. Aside from the fulfillment it gives, we make ourselves happy.
But no matter what you want to do, make sure it will make you feel better. Make sure it will make you happy and at the same time you learn.

Education is not an obligation. Its a responsibility that all of us should take. Don't exchange a few years of learning to a lifetime of ignorance.

Go to school, learn and have fun!
