:: about

Streetsmart Guides is basically about sharing and providing my practical solutions that I have experienced and learned throughout my life. This idea has been lingering in my mind for a while and I thank you for visiting and reading my blog.

Join me in my adventure and journey towards a happy, simple and contented life.

Hi, my name is Angel Apurillo and I'm the creator and author here. I'm married with two kids and I live in Manila, Philippines. I work as an Analyst for one of the Top 500 Companies in the World.

I also maintain another blog, 9MM-zine, which pays homage to women, music, film, movies, artists and others that influenced and inspired me.


If you want to contact me, you can shoot an email to 9mmonline [at] gmail [dot] com. I may not be able to respond to your request immediately but I'll try my best.

If you want to share your Streetsmart Guides and be a guest writer here, please read the Guest Post guidelines first before hitting that "send" button.


The easiest way to get fresh articles from Streetsmart Guides is by subscribing to the RSS feed, But you can also get it via email, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Hire Me

For interested parties, you can also email and hire me to do the following:

  • Write an article for your product or website
  • Review a product or website
  • Design a very basic website
  • Design a simple banner advertisement

Additional Notes

This entire blog is purely uncopyrighted. You don't need permission to copy and reprint the articles on Streetsmart Guides.