Studying For Work

by Angel Apurillo

"Success comes before work only in the dictionary."
 - Vince Lombardi

Students, mostly college students study because they want to have a better future. That's a good system to be instilled to students at an early age. An age that they are still in the stage of their lives that they are still questioning authority.

But one thing I want to point out are those parents that look far more ahead in the future. They wanted their children to work abroad for the money there is much more compared here.

Well that's a BS lesson!

The country just gave its resources to let its students be taught. And wth sheer ungratefulness, you wanted to work somewhere else? F*ck!

Even though our government has its lapses, we still have a life debt to it. Its in our constitution. That's the problem with us. Our "Colonial Mentality" has already take over us even those who are not yet born.

We should be starting to have a law that forbids newly graduates to go abroad for at least a few years and help our nation to rise up. Although, that's gonna be a long process but we should start at something.

So for those new graduates, learn to reciprocate back to our country. Don't be an ingrate and let your country suffer with your selfish acts.
