What's Wrong With BPO?

By Angel Apurillo

"No other profession is subject to the public contempt and derision that sometimes befalls lawyers. the bitter fruit of public incomprehension of the law itself and its dynamics."
 - Irving Kaufman

A colleague shared to me that she has another resignee. I asked her the reason of resignation and she replied back with

"The parents doesn't want her to work in BPO company."


If you don't know BPO stands for Business Processing Outsourcing. In a nutshell, companies source out employees out of their countries to save money. They outsource it to countries like India, Philippines and Singapore.

But even if we are outside their countries, we still care about them. Because people love to help. We also care about our jobs because it gives us our daily bread.

So going back to the issue that discriminating the jobs that we do. For your information, BPO gave more jobs and money to the country than the OFWs. We want to stay in the country because we love our country and our loved ones.

Those parents that think narrowly, this is a descent job. If your sons and daughters are having jobs because the industry has changed, its because you made them to. You voted and supported politicians that doesn't do good. Your companies before will be embracing this soon. Lucky you just came in first. You don't know what is going on or you're just turning yourself blind.

This what makes the country thrive. So don't trample us like we are not working. The senior benefits that you enjoy comes from our taxes.
