There's Always 3 Sides Of A Story

By Angel Apurillo

"We view things not only from different sides, but with different eyes; we have no wish to find them alike."
 - Blaise Pascal

We all love to hear stories. Stories of triumph, love, hate, agony, pain and other different kinds of stories. Either reading, watching or listening to it, we don't care about it as long as it inspires and gives information and happiness to us.

But in every story that we hear, watch or listen to, we almost always believe at what the story is. Sometimes the story is so well narrated, we immediately fall into it even if its not true.

This always happen when someone opens up and share their heartaches against their significant other. We, almost always, believe in them and their story. And shortly, we become their ally. And this what makes me tick.

In this article, I'll share my points on how to judge a story

  • The Storyteller. They are the ones that narrates the story to us. Of course in their story, they are the protagonist. The oppressed. The one that needs justice and comfort. Its their story, of course. Even there are facts to imply their case, still its not for you to judge the other person. Be mindful on these situations because they will seek your empathy and let you fall for their story, even though its all lies.
  • The Third Person. They don't have any clue what are being told by the storyteller. Of course, they have their reasons why and how it happened. So I give them the benefit of the doubt since either I don't know them personally or I know them too much to judge them with the storyteller's story. At this point, I usually take the third person side and give possible scenarios why it happened. I ask questions to come up with some conclusions for myself alone.
  • The Receiver. No one knows what really happened. My part as the receiver is to absorb the emotions and give self realizations to the storyteller. As a listener, I don't know what really happened and its bias to the third person to judge them with just hearsay. Even though there are already evidences, still, I can't judge the third person.

With this article, I hope to see people not jumping into conclusions with just mere hearsay. There's more than meets the eye. And with that, we need to be more vigilant and mindful with the stories that are been told and shown to us. Gather facts first, then judge the situation and not the person.
