Quotes I Learned From Life

I'm approaching my golden year and it seems that life has thrown out punches, kicks, elbows, powerbombs, tombstones, RKO's, pedigrees and hammered by everything that I can handle. And its like I have been put to the ground and kicked down further down. It's time to get up and fight again.

Aside from my digital book entitled "Musings Of An Ordinary Soul", I will be listing down some quotes that helped me to be motivated and taught me to keep on fighting on. 

Movie, TV and Famous Quotes
  • People will provoke you until they bring out your ugly side, then play victim when you go there.
  • Loneliness is a superpower that very few can handle.
  • Not everyone you lose is a loss.
  • I don't regret the past, I just regret the time I wasted with the wrong people.
  • Things end. People change. Life goes on.
  • The things you own, ends up owning you.
  • Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
  • It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
  • When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.
  • I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
  • The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.
  • Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
  • Always...
  • Hide your sadness... NO ONE CARES.
  • F*CK your love if your loyalty doesn't come with it.
  • Choose people that choose you.
  • When you're a LION... the DEERS will hate you.
  • Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.
  • Everything is temporary and nothing is permanent.
My Personal Quotes
  • As much as I want revenge and vengeance for all the people that hurt and all the things that happened to me... I still choose forgiveness.
  • And hope is endless... as long as you're not human.
  • Death is not the end... it is a beginning of another journey.
  • I have a house, bed, food, water, family and (soon) a job... what could I ask for?
  • Trust the PROCESS... It will be okay so very soon.
  • Stop ADJUSTING to other people! Just COPE with them. Don't COPE UP if its not your FAULT! Other than that STOP ADJUSTING!
  • NOBODY should tell me what to do! This is my LIFE and I would do things necessary to do it my way and with the RIGHTEOUS way!
  • The most EVIL people won't admit that they are EVIL... and they are not convinced that they are EVIL.
  • Ohh.. YOU JUST BEEN HIT???? YOU JUST BEEN HIT DEEP??? I Don't Care!!! Here's a 🖕🏾 to SHOVE IT UP your A**!!!
  • Once I have been option...I will show them how many I have.
  • I have nothing in this world but my BALLS.
  • Opportunistic relationships are so dangerous. Be mindful of this.
  • Be calm in negative situations.
  • Learn about the person faster so that you won't waste your time spending it with them.
  • Never beg, chase and needy. It will always comes naturally.
  • Whatever it takes, WIN! Nobody will talk about losers.
  • HOPE, FAITH and LOVE trumps all!
  • And lastly... I have GOD, JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT and THE UNIVERSE to back me up!!!
And this list is not done yet...

Hoping that these messages would get to their appropriate and direct hit for some of the people. But I hope to read this because I want to remember this to make myself motivated and keep going. You should too. Right smack and in your face quotes!
