Being Independent

"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will."
 - Charlotte Bronte

I have been supporting myself ever since I got out of college. And I can say that its satisfying and difficult at the same time.

Its satisfying because you live by your own rules. No one will dictate any thing to you. You get to decide and do anything that you wanted. You can buy anything, go anywhere (as long as you have the money) as long that it makes you happy. Go for it.

I remember that I spent my entire salary loan just to get me the computer I want and treat myself with everything.

But the downside of it is that, we have to think about the future. We need to make budgets for the coming days. We pay everything for ourselves. Food, rent, transportation. We prepare everything ourselves. Our clothes, shoes and others. Everything we need to do, we have to do it ourselves.

I lived with my parents half of my life (especially if I don't have the money) and believe me, you'll hear the most hurting words that will make you leave it.

Good thing, I have been raised by my parents to learn their secret. They taught me a simple rule. If we still live with them, then we obey their commands. If we don't, then get the hell out of the house.

A simple but dreadful rule that every children should know. Take advantage of the privileges we are getting. When you're ready to fly, then just go.


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