Benefits Of Not Comparing Yourself To Others

"Have more than you show, and speak less than you know."
 - William Shakespeare

Think about your situation right now. Financially, physically, emotionally and anything with a suffix "ally" in it. Are you happy with it? I bet that most of you will say a big "NO".

Now, don't you wish that you have the life of someone famous? Like the lifestyle of a famous celebrity and own things like nice cars, house and girls? I bet you would. You would also want how they look like their body figures and faces.

Of course, you can't.

Its alright to feel these things. At least you're looking for something to be motivated and inspired. You want to be them but by your own way.

But to be honest, stop it! Literally and seriously, stop it. Right now! Let me tell you why...
  • You are unique. Its ok to follow people especially those famous ones but be sure you are sane enough not to go overboard. Some people feel that they are the reincarnation of this famous person but in reality, he or she is just stupid enough to think that he/she is that person.
  • Work For Yourself. You are a different person. So don't be the person that you want to be. Make sure you surpass what he/she has done and make a name for yourself. By this trait and skill, you are lifting yourself as a different individual.
  • Be Grateful. Be thankful of what you have, Nurture and flourish it and with those attitudes, you are creating an individual that is unique from those you are following and comparing yourself with.
So with those things listed above, I hope that you will be able to create an identity for yourself. Don't compare yourself to others, because you don't know how hard for them to earn it.


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