Five Step Method

By: Angel Apurillo

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
- Albert Einstein
I'm fond of watching movies either at the cinema or in front of the boob tube. And from watching, I always find the time to either get quotes or learn something from either the characters or from the story. This way, I'm learning as well as being entertained. Kinda hitting two birds with one stone.

Its like tasting food for the first time and you want to come back for more. So I watch movies and shows as often as I can. Sometimes, I learn something new even though I watched it several times.

With this article, I'm gonna start a series of posts that will share what I have learned from watching my favorite movies and shows. And in this article, I will share one important lesson I learned from the movie "My Big Love" starring Toni Gonzaga and Sam Milby.

The Five-Step Method

The Five-Step Method has been shared by Aira, a fitness instructor who motivated the overweight Macky. Here are the steps:
  1. Goal Setting. We need to set up goals if we want to achieve something. So at this stage, we need to set our priorities. Our goals and our wants needs to be set. Know what you want to achieve and once we're done, we'll go to the next step.
  2. Start Today. We don't need to start tomorrow or the next day or the next month. It needs to be today. Right now. We will be unable to achieve something if we don't do it immediately and with sense of urgency.
  3. No Shortcuts. In life, there are no easy way to attain something. We need to do it the hard way so that it will be injected to our system. Learn that we only cheat ourselves if we do shortcuts in life.
  4. Motivate Yourself. Inspiration is one of your best friends in accomplishing your goals. It will be the one to remind you to do what you need to do and it will help you get up when you're down. Motivation will help you reach your goals faster.
  5. Be Happy. In whatever you do, don't forget to enjoy it. Its fun to do things that you want to finish with delight. Before you know it, you've accomplished whatever goal you've been working on.
We have several methods to attain something in our lives and these steps written here are not to change your method. Its just for sharing purposes.

I have used these steps whenever I want to achieve something. And its quite effective. I guess the movie wouldn't make it if these steps haven't been used by the cast themselves.

Go ahead and try to do these simple steps and figure out if its gonna work for you.
