Read A Book

By Angel Apurillo
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
 - George R.R. Martin
I regret that I didn't read books when I was young. I was lazy and I preferred playing and doing other things that makes me happy. Reading books was not very interesting to me at all.

I recalled when I was still at school, we were required to read a book and make a report on it. What I will do is pick the thinnest book available in the library just to satisfy the requirement.

At that moment in my life, books are boring and I'd rather read comics with all the visuals on it than to read plain texts. I'd prefer watching to learn than to read and learn.

But as I grow older, I found out that I cannot learn just by watching and hearing. I also need to read. And that's when I realize that reading is needed for life and learning. From then on, I'm make sure that I read as often as I can.

Reading books helps us in learning. Whether its something to do or just for plain realization. Aside from that, reading expands our imagination and vocabulary.

So what do I do when want to read books? I have listed some of my practices on how I read books if I don't have the money?
  • Buy from used book sale. Some people donate books and some sell them when they're done reading. So what I do is I visit book shop where there is a sale. I can have a few books at a cheaper price.
  • Download eBooks. When the digital age came in, I bought myself a tablet and I downloaded lots of free eBooks so that I can have a collection of books that I can read later. Its free and can be kept forever.
  • Listen to audiobooks. When I'm not in the mood for reading, I listen to it instead. I can listen and learn while doing other things. But of course its really not advisable for people that do not prefer multi-tasking. You can download free audio-books at Librivox
Reading books are time consuming. So here is a list of how I read when I don't have enough time for it.
  • Read from my phone. I always keep a copy of the current eBook I'm reading in my phone. So that whenever I go, I can still read a chapter or two.
  • Idle time. I read every time I'm not doing anything. While in transit, during breaks and while waiting for a long download or somebody. I always sneak for a page or two just to read.
  • When on the crapper. I think my best reading experience is when I'm in the toilet. It gives me relaxation as well as comfort whenever I take out all my negative stuffs out from my body and take in information and knowledge.
These are just some of my practices I use whenever I want to read. Read books now. It will help you a lot in the future.


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