3 Benefits Of Eating On Time

By Angel Apurillo

"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."
- La Rochefoucauld
In this fast paced, technology driven age, sometimes we tend to forget to eat to nourish our body. Eating is like refueling our body and energizes it for the next hours. But unfortunately, due to time constraints, we forget to eat.

I am guilty of it. I tend to skip meals whenever there is something that needed to be finished at work. I passed eating just to finish something or I'm too lazy to prepare something to eat.

And I know this is not healthy, I was brought up by my parents to eat on time. And I am not practicing it with my children. So its about time to reapply the habit.

What are the benefits of eating on time? I just figured this out all by myself. I'm no scientist and its up to you if it works.
  1. It helps the body function properly. I can't function properly if my eating habits are not met. Most of the time, I tend to forget things that I need to do. Eating on time makes me alert and mindful.
  2. It helps the metabolism of your body. I hate to hear when my friends say that I look thin and stressed. And one way to counter that is to eat healthy foods and on time.
  3. It builds self confidence. When somebody says that I'm getting fit, my ears will be flaping like hell and my smile would reach my ears. It means that I'm doing good at what I'm doing.
I only list three because that's how I am. I want to bring back my eating habits to make me live again. And together with you, I know we'll achieve this. I know it.
