2014 Year End Report

By Angel Apurillo

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.
 - Hal Borland

The year Twenty Fourteen is almost up. And as my annual tradition, I will be rating myself in terms of career, relationship, entertainment, hobby, spiritual, financial and others to see if I improved from the previous years.

But not for this year. I'll be changing it because the rating doesn't matter to me anymore. I'll just be listing my accomplishments and failures. This way, I can just create a checklist of things I want to accomplish and remove out of my life.

So without further ado... let's start with my failures:
  • Still haven't been able to quit smoking and was way worse.
  • Still drinking alcoholics almost everyday
  • Worst self discipline ever
  • Spent more money than I should.
  • Still no savings.
  • Was still unable to travel to anywhere out of the metro.
  • Was unable to start and finish any of my projects (e.g. 9MM Beer Table book and Gnamal comics)
  • Unable to enjoy any movie at a theater
  • Still not going to any Catholic mass except with my son's baptism (though not sure if this is a failure or an accomplishment)
Now let's focus on the achievements:
  • Got promoted to a Team Lead.
  • Increased my income and salary
  • Had my son's first birthday almost successful
  • Gained a lot of new acquaintances and a few real friends
  • Got my wife a new watch
  • Enjoyed spending time with my kids and wife.
  • Had reunited with my elementary friends
  • A few new shoes that goes for usage in the office
These are the things that happened to me. So from this list, I'm gonna create my bucket list for next year. Hopefully it will be completed on or before the end of it.
