How To Be True To Your Resolutions

By Angel Apurillo

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." 
 - Abraham Lincoln 

Every new year, I hear and read different resolutions from different people. Some people wanted to start and finish their resolutions right away. All at the same time.

Other people (like me) are just good at start and procrastinate their changes for the rest of the year. Its 365 days to don't or do something they promised themselves. And at the end of the year, nothing is resolved.

But I have learned another way to resolve my resolutions. Its up to you if you want to apply these yourselves. I'm just sharing my mind to you.

  • Choose the every day resolutions. I have the daily things I want to resolve. Like quit smoking, listen to music, write articles and read a chapter of a book. For weeks I'll be doing this to make it a habit for myself. And once its done, I can move on to the next.
  • Then move up to the weekly resolutions. Most likely, after a few months, we are ready now to take the weekly things that we want to implant to our systems. As for myself, watch at least a new movie,  a dinner with significant other, play a sport and others that are done on a weekly basis.
  • Monthly resolutions are also important. And then when all things are stable, do the monthly things like finishing a book, finish a project that you want to finish and others that are not that really important to be part of a system or just happen occasionally.
  • Long term resolutions. While doing all of those things, just partly, we are doing something about our long term plans. Those things that cannot be done immediately. Those things that time and hard work are required to master. Like having a car or a house of our own. It takes time to have one.

For me, the first three months are for my everyday goals. While doing those one weekly thing are being done. And part of it is for my monthly project. And while its all happening, my long term goals are slowly becoming a reality.

I hope this will make us in being true to our changes.
