Drinking My First Alcohol

"Beer before liquor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear"
 - Anonymous

When I was a kid, I told myself that I will not drink any alcoholic beverages. Beers, Brandy, Gin and others that make adults drunk. And my mother used to tell me the consequences of it that I was convinced that alcohol is really bad.

But as early as 7 years old, I drank my first beer. I was forced to drink it. I tasted the very first alcohol with my tongue and swallowed it with a sour face. I never wanted it but it happened.

I hate alcohols when I was young and again I said to myself that I wouldn't drink any that would make me not myself. But its inevitable for a man not to be drunk the first time. So here goes my story...

After high school, it was Christmas eve, me and my friend Glenn, was walking to our house. We were at the mall at that time and since there were no transportation to take us home, we walked.

While walking, we found a 20 peso bill lying on the ground. We picked it up and thought of ways how we could spend it. We ended up buying gin and decided to drink at my house.

Since we have limited money, we ended buying a cheap gin, a soda for our chaser and a few chips to counter the taste. We drank the alcohol at my room.

After a few shots, I was becoming dizzy and because we were having fun with stories and music, I was not minding that the spirit was starting to kick in. As a man, I thought that I wouldn't be a wuss just to be downed by something man made.

I'm strong and I'm invulnerable to be downed by this alcohol.

We finished the bottle of gin and my friend went home. Since I was so tipsy, I was walking back to my house like there was a zigzag path when it was just a straight road. I reached our house and went straight to my room.

As I lay on my bed, everything is still spinning. my stomach is also restless and it doesn't want something in it. And after a few minutes of battling it... the next thing I knew...

"Gaaakhhh!", "Aaaawwwrrrrkk!" I was puking what I drank and ate in the toilet bowl. I was wrapping my arms around it like she was a long lost love and gushing out my innards. It was a relief and painful at the same time.

After cleaning up, I went straight to my room and slept.

The next day, I had to remember what happened and my Mother told me that I was too drunk. She told me what happened and it slowly goes back to my memory.

And from then on, I already loved to drink. It was good because we get to acquaint with my high school friend and had fun and experience. So much for my childhood hatred from anything alcohol.

After a few years, I learned that I was cheated with drinking that gin. I was almost the one that finished the bottle and my friend went on letting me be drunk for the first time.


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