Does It Matter With What Other People Say?

"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
 - Anatole France

I have received an email asking my opinion and advice about how can he deal with his problem. Here's a part of the email I received:

"I want to date this girl and I want her to be my steady girlfriend (if you want to call it that way). But other people want me to stay away from her because she has this reputation of being a player. A player defines as she she gets what she wants and after getting what she wants, she'll dump you. Our date was setup because of a bet and I went on it. Now, I'm torn if I'm going to pursue with this girl or not because I like her very much. Please help me."

I am going to judge the email with the facts included. So here's my reply to the email:

"Thanks for the email. As for your questions, I'll be judging your email with what information you have imparted. So here goes:
    • I'll still pursue your attraction to this female. Why not? Life is too short not to do anything unusual. There is always pain but at least you tried. When pain comes, its still like a cut that will always be healed over time.
    • To hell with what other people say. Its your life. Make the most of it. They haven't known you like your mother. Why bother what they say. If they are right, at least you tried.
    • Head first before heart. Always. Learn how to use the different organs in your body. You're the only one responsible for yourself. So make use of it. Just make sure you're responsible for it.
    • Be Happy. As long as it makes you happy, go for it. If it makes you sorrowful, then stop. That's it. Simple.

Hope this helps. Thanks for the email.

That's my reply. Its up to you, if my judgment is right. Hopefully, this would help the person who sent the email.


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