There Is A God

By Angel Apurillo

"God has no religion."
 - Mahatma Gandhi
Disclaimer: This article will not talk about religion. I don't care what religion you are in and I will be adamant what is written below. If you don't want to get offended or if you think this topic is offending, please, leave this blog. I'm not responsible for whatever things that this blog will do to you...

I believe that there is a God.

All of us including pagans and aethists have their own personal God. It just so happen that its different in how a person define God.

But there is a God.

How do I believe that there is one such deity? Let me count the ways:
  • How did Earth fall as the third planet? If there was no God, we could be in the place of Mercury or Pluto perhaps where its hot or cold respectively.
  • There are atmosphere that protects us from whatever cosmic rays that will harm us humans and other living things.
  • How was Earth made? Although there are scientific claims but still they can't explain the fact that its perfectly created to sustain life.
  • How do animals survive? They lived in an eco system that provides food and nourishment for themselves. But who taught them? God, right?
  • How our body parts are perfectly located in its location? Imagine your hands attached to your head? Or your sexual organ is attached to your forehead? How about how the brain works? Is it convenient for you?
And there are many more. Things that would make you awe and tell yourself that humans couldn't made this beautiful thing.

But most people treat God as their own personal genie that will grant their wishes (and prayers). There could be people that experienced things that let them doubt if there was a God because of what happened to them, but I will say that its just situational. He can do nothing what other humans had put you through.

Whatever the reason a person hate or not believe in God is their own choice. I just wanted to be proud and let the world know that there is a God and He deserves to be praised and glorified.

And I don't consider a successful mf'er if you'll think that God is favoring me. I still struggle with how I will pay my bills.

Now, what I will share could be shocking.

I don't patronize, empathize and sympathize those people that blames God for whatever happened in their lives. God already did His job. Its like blaming another human for their own failures.

He already gave us the greatest gift of all, which is freewill. What more could you ask for?

God is there just to watch how His creation went and will be going. Play The Sims and you will know what I'm talking about. Hopefully eventually.

Again, I repeat. There is a God. And I'm proud and remain loyal to Him until my death.

Side Note: This is the start of my Beliefs series.
