By Angel Apurillo
"Life was a wheel, its only job was to turn, and it always came back to where it started."
Have you ever wonder that sometimes, we have our lowest points? That we cannot continue whatever morale we receive, we feel that we are still sunk in the mud.- Stephen King
- Understand Life. Its not all abundant all the time. Understand that there is time for low and hard times. Learn to accept and understand.
- Everything's Gonna Be Alright. You don't have to worry about anything. Everything has a solution and anything will be OK. Eventually
- Accept That This Is A Lesson. So if you are accepting those two above, you're gonna be able to know that this is a lesson given by life itself. So listen and understand.
- Learn From It. This will not happen to you, if life doesn't care about you. There are things that you should learn from your own. The faster you learn, the faster you''ll be mature.
is no permanent in this world. Even the "immortals" did not live up to
their name. Understand and work with life. Its not easy but its great.