How To Make The Move With Girls

"Sometimes I wish the girls would make the first move."
 - Devon Werkheiser

I have received several questions about this topic. How to make the move on girls? I'm not an expert but they look up to me as if I'm a guru or a master of some sort.

But I'm not. I'm still learning just the same as the rest of you. And I'm just applying what works. So far, I'm gonna share with you what works.

So let's say you're in a club with your friends and your eyes has gazed a potential prey. These are the things you need to do:
  • Observe. Check if the coast is clear of any obstacles. This includes boyfriends, those who are also flirting with your prey, and other girl friends. As you observe, you will know if you have a chance or look for another potential. This way, you clear your way out of any troubles that might result in not so good way.
  • Eye Contact. You need to establish this first connection because this will determine the next steps. Smile when you make the contact and check if she responds. If she doesn't after a few attempts, then look for another girl. It only means she's not interested with you. Accept that.
  • Make Your Move. If the above things are met, then make your move. Be creative and make it special. Maybe follow her when she goes to the restroom and bump into her or buy a drink for her. Anything that would make you talk to her.
  • Talk. You don't stop with just getting her number. Talk to her and make her comfortable with you. Compliment her with what she's wearing and of course what made her special in your perspective.
  • Don't Be A Perv. Even though you want her to sleep with you, you need to be patient. Don't show her that you're only after what's behind her panties and bra. If its not today, then you can have her someday. Deal with it.
  • Get The Signals. You need to pay attention to body language, hints and other things that would let you know that she's ready for the big derby. You should know what you want for her and you're the one to decide if you're going for the kill or not.

These are just ways that I tested on some occasions. I'm sure men has different ways on how to make the first move on girls. It just so happen that these are the ones that worked for me.
