Prolonging The Life Of Your Device

"We need to re-create boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget that creates a virtual link to the office, you need to create a virtual boundary that didn't exist before."
 - Daniel Goleman

I have been using old school devices and gadgets. It's simple and don't need complications. Just like life. We don't need things that would stress us out in the long run.

I still use my 5 year old phone. Although it works as a smartphone, I just use it for text, call, music and saving my ideas because its designed for that. Anyway. for my other needs, I use my tablet or computer to do the necessary tasks just like posting my articles, checking my social network and others.

Since I'm a fan of old gadgets, I will be listing the things on how to prolong its life. It's up to you if you want to accept my belief.

  1. Don't install unnecessary apps. The number one to phase out a device is to install needless apps. They update often and the device cannot. So, in the ling run your device will be obsolete faster than you think. A phone is a for calls and text. Its not a computer so don't make it one if it can't handle it.
  2. Do not drain the battery. I make sure that before I charge the battery, it is not drained. Mobile batteries are not to be exhausted before charging to have it recharged. This will prolong the life of the battery and the device.
  3. Use it for the sole purpose of it. If it's a phone, use it as a phone. If it's a music and video player, use it as it is. Don't make it an all in one. I'm sure if it's human, it will complain often. So treat it as a human being.

I have different old gadgets and have it's sole purpose. And I make sure it gets what it's purpose. Learn it's purpose before purchasing.
