Scheduling My Day

"There are always roles that seem enticing that you can't do because of scheduling."
 - John Krasinski
We are all busy people. Even the laziest person is busy being lazy. And in our day to day lives, we schedule things that needs to be done.

And we all have different schedules. Some people who works at daylight and some of us works at night. I'm both. My schedule constantly changes when it comes to work.

So I'm writing to share with you how I plan to do things everyday to accommodate work and life as balanced as possible.
  1. First Two Hours. At this time, I'm preparing for work. But while I can, I read a chapter of a book, exercise and daydream.
  2. During Work. Since I have an 8 hour work, I focus my energy here. With some side work like checking my social network, chat with colleagues and finish the work in 8 hours maximum.
  3. After Work. I allot this time to my family and other stuffs that I like to do. I play with my kids and have conversation with my wife. And if I'm not tired or sleepy, I still write an article or watch some shows on the TV,
  4. Before Sleeping. I'm the type of person that can't sleep easily. So I read a book or listen to an audiobook until I sleep.
  5. During Rest Days. Its solely dedicated to my family. Other things that I want to do is secondary. Like posting on my blogs, watching a movie or series, sketching or checking my social networks are things that keeps me sane.
This practically sums up my week. Although it may not be patterned with your schedule, at least it will give you an idea on how to simplify your day and give it to the most important things in your life. Mine is my family.
