Angels and Devils

"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell."
 - Oscar Wilde

As I said in my other article, Balance Of Life, there should be an equilibrium in all things. There should be something opposite to know that something exist.

In this article, I'm going to address the century old question... Do angels exist? Do demons exist?

In my opinion, solely, yes. They do exist. How?
  • If something tells you if what you will do is right or wrong.
  • If you survived a terrible and deadly accident with minor injuries.
  • If someone died in the most stupid or unnatural way.
  • If someone beheads people because of their principles.
  • If an unguided child gets ran off by a vehicle and survived.
  • If an unattended child drowned in the pool.
  • and many others
Its up to you if you want to believe me or not. I'm just expressing my thoughts about the issue. Even if we wanted to save something, if its time, situation makes itself to happen.

You're lucky if angels stood by your side. What if the devils' time to stand next to you and your loved ones?
