Reasons Why Men Drink

"I drink to make other people more interesting."
 - Ernest Hemingway

Why is it that if a man drinks, people judge them as a bum and has no goals in life. They prejudge the person as one of the hopeless in the society. Well, they are very wrong.

What do we do? Drink water only?!? That's gonna be effin' boring.

Drinking alcohols can give different benefits to men (and women too). And that's what I'm gonna talk about in this article. That drinking has its benefits...
  • Destress. Some people like to drink to relax. Worrying about everything is already stressful and to have a break from all of it, people drink to temporarily forget about all the hassles.
  • Celebrate. Most of the time, drinking is to celebrate something. Birthdays, Anniversaries, parties and other celebrations that made someone happy and fulfilled. That's why "cheers" and "toast" were invented as well wishes.
  • Bonding. A time to bond with family, friends and other people that's part of our lives. We need these socialization to still remind us that we are still humans and we need our human connections.
  • Meet New Acquaintances. Meet new friends or fellowship with someone you know or not. It makes your network large and aside from that you relive the old human tradition which is connecting the old way.
  • Ideas and Laughs. The best ideas and laughs comes from drinking sessions. When all are tipsy a topic is opened and everyone has something to say and express themselves without thinking that someone might get hurt. We become ourselves when we drink and we express ourselves naturally.
  • Help. Also, the best advices comes when alcohol is around. Again, humans, by nature, are helpful. So when you drink with strangers, you get the best advice from them because you know that they speak the truth.
  • Sleep. Aside from sleeping pills, intoxicating drinks are the best thing to have a sound sleep. I do this whenever I can't sleep. But the downside is that you need to this early and the drink sould be strong enough to knock you off to Neverland.
Sometimes, people become monsters when they are intoxicated with alcohol. So please drink moderately.

Drinking is not bad if done in moderation. All drinks, be it water, soda, tea, beer, brady, tequila or whatever edible liquid it is, it should go straight to our belly and not affect our logic.

Also, make sure that you don't drive when drunk.
