Brainstorming: Resources

"It’s not about your resources, it’s about your resourcefulness."
 - Tony Robbins

We already talked about what will be the nature of your work that you want. What to sell to people for the fulfillment of your passion.

Its your work that you will not take a vacation from.

Now, we will take another brainstorming and planning session. And this is really critical and this is the main reason people are still stuck in doing the job they don't want.

Resources. Money and financing to be exact.

Let's be true to ourselves, When somebody is already asking for the payment for you to enroll in this Master Class or invest your money in this business, many of us are reluctant, skeptical and hesitant.

The usual question is always -- "Will this work?"

Of course, we all understand that money and capital finances are needed to start a business. I understood it perfectly clear. There are only a few that made a fortune because of sheer luck or just talented enough to go viral.

I also understand why these online coaches are asking for a significant fee is because they too have their expenses and need to pay services that are needed to coach online. So that's why I don't blame them.

As for me, I don't have money to be honest. As I have said earlier, I am living with my parents and trying to cope up with them. I don't have the financing to make the business I want to do.

I cannot pay those Master Classes that are being offered on the internet to learn more on how do online business. What I have in my pocket (as of this writing) is 6 dollars.

But that will not stop me (or us) to learn more and achieve more. As for me, I believe that its not the amount of money that you invest to be successful, Its your desire, passion and perseverance that will take you to success. 

I will have a photo of that 6 dollars and have it as my inspiration to build my empire.
